Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 2.. My First Love

Like every young girl I thought I was "in love" many many times. However, when it happened for real I knew. I was 18 and fell head over heals for a guy I had known for years.

My junior and senior years in high school and first year of college I made TONS of trips to North Carolina to visit my brother who was stationed at Ft Bragg and my Dad who moved down there. My brother was married at the time and he was young too.. only 19. So, him and his wife always had get togethers where I would meet all my brothers coworkers. Come on.. I know I'm not the only one who thinks soldiers are cute! Since I lived 6hours away I never thought much about dating these guys but I was good friends with a few. Stephan included.

One night at a party (NYE, I believe) something just changed and I told Stephan how I felt about him. After that, we quickly became a couple and for the next almost year I was totally in love. I had to go back to school but we spent countless hours on the phone and I went to NC every chance I could get. He deployed during my second semester of college for 4months. As soon as my semester was over I packed my things and headed south. We were inseparable.  Towards the end of the summer he got orders to Italy (hello, I'm Italian!) and we talked marriage and what we would do. He even talked to my Dad about me going with him. I thought for sure I was going to get a ring any day.

I went to Delaware to visit my Mom for a few days and he called while I was at a lake with some friends from high school. He said he was over my house having dinner with my Dad and brother. Obviously, I was excited thinking he was talking to them about marrying me. Big mistake. Huge actually. The next thing I heard was "I don't want to be together anymore." I was shocked. I kicked him out of my house (from over the phone!) I mean seriously.. you broke up with me while sitting in my room? Hats off for the jackass of the year! Either way, my heart was shattered. My first love was also my first true heartbreak.

However, a month or so later my sister inlaw took me out still trying to cheer me up and that's when I met my husband :) Almost 6years later and I am still happily married.


Nicole said...

"Hats off for jackass of the year!" Love it! Now you have Dave and my Bella! :)

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